Thank you for your sharing your story. Filing out the form below gives me permission to post it to the Two Rivers Blog.
As it is to appear on the blog.
Not to be included in the blog post.
Images should be in jpeg format and belong to the submitter or be watermarked by the owner.
I agree that I have given Two Rivers Childbirth, LLC permission to include my birth story in the Community Birth Stories Project and publish it to the Two Rivers Blog. I assure that my submission is true and that I am the author. I give permission for minor grammatical or formatting corrections to be made, but understand that otherwise my submission will remain untouched. I understand that my story may be promoted on Facebook or other social media platforms. I agree that any images I have included belong to me and I give permission for their inclusion. If images belong to another party, I assure that they have been properly watermarked and that I have permission from the owner to share them.