Community Birth Story: Alexander Miles

Community Birth Story: Alexander Miles


As told by Carin:

My labor with my first son, Jasper, was less than ideal. I had an induction (unnecessarily) for possible growth restriction at 39 weeks. My OB ignored my entire birth plan, and I ended up with an epidural and epsiotomy, when I had hoped for a natural birth. So this time I got pregnant, I was determined to do it the way I wanted.

My pregnancy went very well and easy. I met with midwives instead of OBs. I hired a doula, Bergen, in February, which I had wanted with Jasper, but Guy refused. This time he realized how helpful one would be and agreed. I really liked her after our first meeting and was sure she would help me achieve my natural birth.

I continued working up until a few days before I went into labor. At around 36 weeks, I was having contractions if I walked too much. So monday, I called out of work and stayed home to relax. I still had a few minor ones, but nothing serious.

On Tuesday, I lost my mucus plug. I text Bergen and she said that meant we were having a baby sometime but who knew when. Guy and I decided to go for a walk downtown. We walked a few miles, with contractions getting worse and more painful. The last mile back to the car was the worst. I kept telling my husband to just go get the car and come back for me. Once we got back home, the contractions more or less, stopped again. They went back to minor, sporadic occurrences.

I went to my chiropractor appointment that afternoon. I told her that I wouldn’t be back for awhile. For some reason, I knew I was going to go into labor that day. I just knew it. After my appointment, I took a small nap and made dinner. My husband kept telling me that I needed to relax and I wasn’t in labor. So we went to our birth class that evening. I had several contractions each hour during class. Our instructor and my friend, Lindsey was very excited. She thought I was in labor and was so excited about it. She kept saying I was going to have a baby. Finally someone who agreed with me. Bergen had brought her birth bag to class, just in case, but as I clearly was not in full labor yet, we all went to our homes. She told me to relax and that we were going to have a baby some day soon. Apparently she and my husband thought it may be another week or two of this “prodromal” labor.

We got home at 9:30ish that night and I went up to bed, while Guy got on the computer. I was too awake. I still felt like that was the day labor would start, but it was getting late. Jasper woke up and wanted to nurse. So I brought him into our bed to nurse, while playing on my phone. He fell back asleep quickly. All of a sudden I felt my water break. I text Guy and told him to come upstairs. I text Bergen. Guy didn’t respond, so I called him. He answered, saying he would be upstairs for Jasper in a minute, thinking Jasper had just woken up. So I told him my water broke. He was surprised. I told him to call his mom and tell her, in case we needed her soon. Bergen asked about my contractions, which didn’t change. And said to call her when they did. I felt relieved. I had known I was going to go into labor that day, and I was right. I was giddy and awake. But contractions never came, at least not noticeably. I put a towel on the couch and slept in the livingroom.

The next morning, I woke up about 6am. We ate breakfast and went to the grocery store. I hadn’t even gotten a single labor snack that I planned. We got some trail mix to snack on during labor and some things for dinner. Contractions came, but were minor and random. We got home and Guy put together our dinner in the crock pot. Then we called Bergen and I told her I wanted her here, since none of us knew how this labor would go. She got here at 9 and we went to the park again. Walking when leaking water is not a fun experience. At first, I had wanted to stay near the near and not walk too far. But, my contractions were still minor so we decided to walk downtown. We stopped and got some pastries and walked back to the car. Labor was still eluding me.

My contractions were a bit stronger by the time we got to the car, but still minor. We got back to the house and ate, while Bergen had her son dropped off for a bit to nurse. We then decided to do laps around the neighborhood. We also began timing. They were around 6 minutes apart and still getting more intense during walking. We walked around for an hour or two. Contractions were more intense but still not active labor and slowed when I stopped walking.


Around 7, I called my midwife and told her I was in labor. We had to go in for me to receive antibiotics, since I hadn’t been tested for group b strep yet. We got to the hospital around 8. We were taken back to triage and I was checked. I was scared of having no progress in the past 24 hours. I shouldn’t have let the nurse tell me how dilated I was. I was only 2.5 centimeters. I felt very discouraged and tired. I knew if I didn’t kick start labor soon, they would want to intervene. But I wanted a nap so badly.

They started our first monitoring and antibiotics around 9:15. After they were finished, we went for a walk. All of a sudden, things changed. I had to go to the restroom and my contractions were different. I had to stop walking to breathe through them. I was cold. I didn’t realize it but I was finally in active labor.

Around 10:30ish, we had to go back to the room for more monitoring. I stayed on the birth ball, doing wind motions during contractions. I was finally progressing! We finished monitoring around 11. During my contractions, I began to kneel over the birth ball to get through them. I was in the corner, in the dark and in my own little world. My husband went to get a sandwich and my midwife, April, came to check on me and said I was definitely progressing and she would come back later. I started getting very nauseous. I remember telling Bergen that it felt a bit better when I pushed, which scared me. I didn’t think I could be that close to birth already.

My husband came back and I had to go to the bathroom. A contraction hit and I jumped up from the toliet. I held onto my husband and began vomiting. I went back to my corner, while my husband went to tell them I had puked. He came back and immediately left again to tell them I felt like pushing. He came back to me pushing uncontrollably and ran to tell them. I didn’t see anyone come into my room, but I remember them turning the lights on.

I had contractions very close together, pushing each time. April told me I needed to wait to push until they checked me, which wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t stop. She checked me and I was a 10. Then April asked if I wanted to get on the bed and I said no. So she started pushing things under me, ready to deliver on the floor. They had to call a neonatalogist, since he was preterm. I just remember everyone kept saying “second baby” over and over. I reached down and felt his head, and said that he was coming. I didn’t really feel the “ring of fire” that I had heard about. I had felt a very mild stinging during pushing but it went away before he crowned. I pushed a few more times and felt his head pop out. Another push or two, and his body came out. They counted 30 seconds before clamping his cord and letting my husband cut it.

He was then taken to the neonatalogist and checked over for a little while. I got onto the bed for April to check me for tears. I only had two minor lacerations, much better than an epsiotomy! When I finally got to hold him, I was so overcome with happiness. He was tiny and perfect. He latched on easily.

This birth was everything I had wanted. It was completely natural, from start to finish, save for the antibiotics. My baby got to pick his own birthday, two minutes before midnight! I had an amazingly supportive birth team. Between them and my birth class teachings, I was able to control the pain and remain calm. I loved this birth and hope all to come go as well.


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Community Birth Story: Aryadne Clover

Community Birth Story: Aryadne Clover

Aryadne’s Accidentally Unassisted Home Birth



As told by Julia:

I must start by saying that Ian and I dreamed of a natural, home birth. I was terrified of the prospect that it could possibly be unassisted, meaning no midwife or doctor present. Although I didn’t think it could possibly happen to me because I had previously had a long labor, I read up on accidental unassisted birth stories so I would know what to AVOID. I really, really didn’t want an unassisted birth, but that is the beautiful and perfect way my daughter entered the world.

I had been very ill the prior weekend and was grateful to have had a couple of health and good sleep before labor began. When we woke up at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, I began having light cramping that had a beginning, peak, and end, and occurred at intervals. I was excited to think that my body was practicing but didn’t think much of it and was pretty sure it would go away. A few hours later, I took my two year old Leo downtown for toddler yoga and the whole time we were gone, felt nothing. When we returned home. the contractions returned the same as before, very mild. I could continue doing any activity through them. I was surprised that the two or three contractions I had while I napped with my son did wake me up. I told my husband what was going on when he got home from work and he, too, did not think it would amount to anything. I knew, though he did not, that my due date was two days away. While I was on the birth ball watching YouTube before bed, I decided to time two contractions just for fun. 55 seconds each and six minutes apart, but still very mild. I told my husband Ian that the true test would be if I slept through them or they stopped overnight and I assumed that they would.


Contractions got more intense during the night and felt worse lying down, but I was absolutely determined to get any wink of sleep I possibly could. My son’s labor was 60+ hours and ended with exhaustion and an epidural, and the first night of it I had spent awake because I was so excited. I knew from experience how much I needed sleep if I was indeed in early labor. The contractions woke me up and I knew I would be more comfortable in an up right position, but I did not let myself get out of bed except to pee. I was able to sleep between them and at some point in the night they slowed down so I at least felt like I got a few hours of sleep and was very grateful. I had to breathe through many contractions and visualize going over a wave as it got closer to morning. Then, I breastfed my son for what I knew would be the last time as my only nursling.

Contractions while we made breakfast required some of my attention, and I hurried Ian through making waffles so we could time some contractions and use that to decide if we should call anyone. Timing from 8:00- 8:30 a.m., they were one minute long and four minutes apart. I got Nannette the midwife on the phone, followed by my parents who would care for Leo, and Jen the doula to inform them but not to ask them to come yet. Nannette said the contractions were positioning baby and effacing my cervix and to call her when I felt like they switched jobs and I had to really turn inward.

Contractions became more intense and required more focus and physicality, so I think this may be where active labor definitely had begun. I rocked on the birth ball, leaned on the wall, vocalized using Mmmm and Ohhh, but was perfectly content in between waves. Ian did some cleaning and I wrote thank you notes to my birth team. Leo acknowledged my “hard work noises” each time I had to make sound, but told me not to do them on his learning tower or toddler bed. Sorry, buddy. The only time I cried the whole day is when Ian was showering and Leo told me during a contraction to “wake up,” hit me on the head with a top, then tried to climb on my back. I knew I could not have Leo nearby without someone watching, but luckily my parents arrived around 11:00 a.m.

Soon after, I stopped talking in between contractions and required Ian for every contraction. I mostly clung to him with my arms over his shoulders, giving him my weight and going “ohh.” He always said the most perfect, helpful things (he posted ideas around the house in case he ever came up short!) In between contractions, I lay on the couch. I figured that whenever a doula or midwife arrived, they would probably tell me to get upright and walk around, but right then I really wanted rest. It was a pain to get up off the couch for waves, so I eventually sat on the birth ball between them instead. My mom diffused wild orange essential oil, the only E.O. that got any use. I was good at staying hydrated (pat on the back.)

Ian was actually sick on the birth day and I couldn’t bear to have him leave me, so I decided to ask Jen to come both to give him some relief and to help us decide if and when to call Nannette. After speaking with Jen, I peed and wiped away my mucus plug. I took this of a sign that I was dilated at least a couple of centimeters and had some renewed motivation. Contractions were getting harder, but I knew they were still not very intense. I tried to conserve my energy and barely spoke at all, and then, only a whisper. Ian started playing the labor music.

I started feeling rectal pressure during contractions and considered calling Nannette, but I wanted to wait and get Jen’s opinion. Doulas are great at sensing what stage of labor you are in. I also was so hesitant to mention the rectal pressure because I did not think I was far enough in labor to truly feel that. Jen arrived and did her amazing doula thing, also being there for me physically and saying the best things. Rather than Ian get a break, he did some birth related tasks. Plus, I was my most comfortable when one was rubbing my back while I was draped over the other.

I started feeling stronger rectal pressure and vaginal pressure during but not between contractions and told Jen. When I went to pee, there was a fair amount of bright red, fresh blood. I informed Jen of the blood and that I wanted to call Nannette, who agreed to come right over. The next few contractions, the rectal and vaginal pressure got stronger and remained in between contractions, which seemed to get much much closer together. I told Jen that I felt like I needed to poop, but I knew from reading so many birth stories that I really didn’t have to poop. We went to the bathroom anyway, thinking I would labor on the toilet. I also felt a little gushing and it was not blood so I thought it might be amniotic fluid.

My body started to spontaneously bear down. I won’t bother trying to describe the sensation except to say I had no control and it completely took over. It made me stand up very tall. There was a big splatter of water on the ground of my membranes rupturing. I told Jen that I was afraid of my body pushing in case I was not dilated enough. Ian called Nannette, who was fifteen minutes away, as he started filling the birth pool (oh yeah, we had planned on a water birth).

Jen, the most amazing calming presence, taught me to do horse lips to prevent pushing and we did them together each time. They felt great for me, but did not stop my body from bearing down on its own. She had us leave the bathroom and go to the birth room. At the time she said it was because the bathroom was so small, but later admitted she didn’t want the baby to drop in the toilet!

I stood by the bed and horse-lipped as my body did its powerful bearing down. It felt like this huge volcanic pressure with little break in between. After a few, I began to feel her body moving. I reached down and felt the top of her head, then felt her whole body suck back up inside me, so I assumed it would be this pushing-retracting thing for a while before Nannette arrived. Contrarily, on the next push, she was crowning. My body did little pushes to gently get her head all the way out and I held the head in my hands. I remember Jen telling Ian he needed to leave the birth pool (which had maybe two inches of water) and come catch his baby.

This at least felt like the longest break in between pushing contractions. Jen said that my baby would be here and I smiled in elation. I felt very calm and confident. Ian was under me on the ground as I stood above him, describing her face to us. I decided to push her body out, the only push that I consciously and willingly took part in, so at the slightest hint of the next contraction, I made an effort and her whole body slid out into Ian’s arms. Jen helped me turn over and I saw my baby.

Her face was wet but she spit out water and was breathing and crying seconds later. Jen helped me sit on the bed and I asked for a towel for Ary. Her cord was draped over her neck but not looped around. She was crying and wailing and rooting but too upset to be able to latch. Nannette arrived maybe ten minutes after Ary’s birth. After that my mom came in, and later, our photographer, who we intended to get here before the midwife but timing was not in our favor. The look on those three faces, who didn’t know they would come to find a baby, was joyfully funny and unforgettable.


Aryadne Clover and I were perfectly healthy and doing great. She was born 31 hours after my first contraction and an hour after our doula arrived, 7 lbs, 7 oz, 21.5 inches long. I did require pitocin for bleeding after the placenta was birthed and had a very small first degree tear. The placenta had a lobe, which may explain the bleeding during labor. She was so happy to be breastfed and was very alert. I had a post-birth high and felt better than ever before. I experienced no ring of fire or any pain at all with Ary’s crowning and emerging. There are a few factors, including my amazing support team who kept me present and grounded, that I never truly needed to enter ‘my own world,’ or maybe the midwife would have been called sooner. I feel no need to question or doubt her arrival and feel completely fortunate for and proud of this healing final birth.


I love my midwife and photographer, but I have to give extra praise to my doula, Jen. She remained so calm and direct when any one of us could have been panicking. She gently but efficiently gave us direction when needed and allowed Ian and I to handle this “emergency” delivery with only minimal but needed guidance. For her doula tasks, she was incomparable, but she went above and beyond assisting in Ary’s arrival with no medical personnel present. And another quick shout out to Ian for unexpectedly catching his daughter as she fell to this world.


(Photo credits to Lindsey Welch Photography and the Becker Family)

(Read Ary’s big brother’s birth story here)


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Community Birth Story: Joshua

Community Birth Story: Joshua


As told by Jessica:

My due date had come and gone. I was afraid I was going to be 42 weeks pregnant before labor started like it did with my daughter. Late Saturday night, December 7, I started having mild contractions. I went outside to speed walk to see if I could keep things coming but they slowed down. I continued to have them throughout the night but was able to sleep through them. They eventually stopped but I knew it had to be soon! We enjoyed our Saturday as a family.

Sunday morning, the 8th, it was snowing! We were expected to get a few inches and some ice. I was excited that maybe today was the day I was going to meet my baby! I kept having contractions on and off throughout the whole day and started to lose my plug. I knew he was going to be come either that night or the next day. I couldn’t decide if I should go to the store, go for a walk to get things going or just stay at home. I decided to stay home because of the snow. I made some soup that I wanted to have after birth, had a dance party with Juliana through my contractions and waited. Juliana and I went out and played in the snow later in the day, it’s a fun memory of being in early labor while making snowangels and forts with her.

Because an ice storm was supposed to hit Sunday night, my Mom came to stay with us. She didn’t want to miss the birth! I put Juliana to bed and I knew it would be the last time before the baby came. I tried to sleep but couldn’t, everything stalled and I got discouraged. I bounced on the yoga ball and ate ice cream (Ben walked up to the store to get me some in the snow and ice!) I went back to bed soon after and the contractions came back stronger after I had slept for about 3 hours. Around midnight, Juliana came over to our bed. Since Juliana has a trundle bed, my Mom was staying in there with her. I said if she wants me then just let her come to my room. I am so glad that she did. It was our last night as a family of three and it seemed fitting and nice to all be together. It was getting difficult to lay still during the contractions and at one point Ben said “are you okay?” or “contractions?” I said yes, they were getting stronger and it was hard to be still. I kept getting onto my hands and knees. Juliana piped up and said “mama, shhh! You woke me up with your talking!” Ben and I laughed, the girl who never sleeps is only disturbed this one time!

I finally decided to get up around 3am. I paced the house and laid down on the couch between contractions trying to get comfortable. They were 10 minutes apart and my midwife Zaina asked me to call her when they were. We chatted on the phone a bit about how I was feeling and she decided to make her way over. It had been sleeting freezing rain for a while at this point so we were a little worried about her making it. She was about 1.5 hours from our house. In the meantime I swayed, paced or tried to rest on the couch. I didn’t want to eat anything but knew that I needed to keep my energy up. I made some peanut butter toast and drank coconut water. It was peaceful laboring in the dim light of my family room, while the rest of the family slept. Zaina got to our house around 5:30 am. We hugged. She checked heart tones and we were just quiet together. I got up and swayed through some of the contractions, tried to rest and Zaina got some rest, too.

Juliana woke up at 6 am. My contractions spaced out a bit after she woke up. I knew that it was common for that to happen so I expected it. Everyone started to wake up, make coffee and breakfast. It was such a relaxed environment of everyone in the kitchen, chatting, excited that we were all going to meet Joshua soon. I had more toast and even tried to drink a cup of coffee because I was afraid if I didn’t I would get a caffeine withdrawal headache while laboring – seems so silly to me now!

Around 9:30 am I retreated to my bedroom and I had Zaina check me. I was hesitant about this at first. I was so afraid she was going to tell me I was at a 2. I also remember being checked in the hospital with Juliana and it being so painful. This wasn’t at all and was easy and fast. Much to my surprise Zaina announced that I could get into the birth pool if I wanted and that I was most defiantly in active labor. She asked if I really wanted to know where I was at and I said yes! Only because she was so enthusiastic I knew I had to be progressing well. I was 6cm. I was excited, I was doing it and almost there! It didn’t even seem hard yet! She also said she felt Joshua’s head and asked if my water had broken already, I said not that I was aware of and she said maybe the bags were just tight around him. Zaina went out to tell Ben to start filling the pool and my Mom called my sister, Amy to tell her to come and she arrived within 30 minutes or so. Amy came into my room and we chatted as I worked though some more contractions. We laughed as I mentioned my plan was to wear my newly bought waterproof mascara, put my hair in a pretty bun and wear my cute labor outfit. My tank top with sweatpants was comfy. I wore no makeup, my hair was down and I had my glasses on.


The pool was ready within 40 min or so and I waited about an hour to get in. I like laboring on land; I had a system down for contractions. I liked standing over my dresser, breathing and swaying through them. Sometimes I would tap my fingers in a rhythm and concentrate on that instead of the waves. I also read my birth affirmations over and over. I finally got in the pool. It felt so nice to have that weight shift off of me for a little bit. My sister brought me cold wash cloths for my head and neck because I started to feel a bit dizzy. I think from the breathing that I was doing to get through the contractions. I was on my knees, just rocking with them. I remember my sister saying, “oh another one already!?” They were getting pretty close.

Juliana came in while I was in the pool and held my hand through some contractions. I cried just because it was the sweetest moment with her. She came in and out of our room throughout the whole labor, danced with me as I swayed, brought me pictures that she colored and just checked on me. I love that girl so very much and can’t imagine her not being present as I labored. I’m so glad that my sister captured some of those moments on our camera.


I decided to get out after about an hour, go to the bathroom and labor on land some more. I liked being able to stand up, sway and wrap my arms around Ben for comfort. I went to the bathroom, stood up and began having contractions on top of each other. I told Ben the contractions just wouldn’t stop coming and I started feeling like I didn’t know what to do or what I wanted or how I wanted to move. Hello transition!! I wrapped my hands around Ben’s neck and just let my body hang, I cried saying I felt pushy and remember feeling scared for a moment. I had an epidural at 7cm when I was in labor with Juliana so the “unknown” frightened me. I knew what it was like to labor, but I didn’t know what pushing or transition would be like. Pushing was automatic and I think the lack of control made me panic. I remember telling Zaina that it “wasn’t the baby, it just HURT” and that I “just needed to go to the bathroom”. But she said ever so calmly, “yeah…., you are going to have your baby”. I thought I was supposed to have this crazy feeling of the baby’s head being “right there!” but I never did – just awesome pressure.

I changed my positions quickly from hanging on Ben, to hands and knees on the bathroom floor, to squatting on the bathroom floor, to on the bed and to finally on the floor, on my knees with my arms wrapped around Ben who was sitting on the yoga ball. I started to push and the baby was having a hard time coming under my pubic bone. Zaina suggested I put one leg up while pushing and I did. I felt him move under the bone and right on down where he needed to be. The immense pressure and POWER of pushing was really intense for me. I screamed for a second, stated I wanted the baby out NOW and even bit Ben’s pants once. I have never felt anything so amazing and overwhelming before. I could hear my sister in the background talking to Juliana telling her that Joshua’s head would come out first; Juliana said she didn’t want to watch but she stayed in the room with the IPAD happily playing a game while I pushed.
The only time I ever thought about an epidural was when I started to push, even before his head was coming out and his shoulders, it was just hard work. I started to wonder why I had even chose this and if I was strong enough. I told myself this is what I wanted, this was the last part and I was done! I heard a “pop” right before he crowned as my water broke. Such a weird sensation! I had my water broken with Juliana’s birth so it was new for me. Zaina was talking to me throughout the whole pushing phase, telling me how great I was doing and when to lower my birthy moans. She told me when the largest part of his head was coming out. I couldn’t even tell! It all felt the same to me; I didn’t have the ring of fire! His head came out in one long push. He made the tiniest cry with just his head being out – so crazy! Ben almost shouted “he cried, did you hear him!?” I think I said again to get the baby out NOW. I was sweating and felt like I was going to pass out from working so hard and that frightened me but I kept telling myself to just breathe. Ben was putting cold wash cloths on my back but soon I didn’t want anything or anyone touching me.

Seven contractions and Joshua was out. Feeling his whole body slip out was the best feeling in the entire world. I had done it, ME!! Little ol’ ME! All I kept saying was “I have a baby!!” and “I can’t believe I actually did it”. Zaina caught him, he started to cry immediately and so did Ben. My mom said “oh Jessica he is perfect!” as soon as he was out, before I even saw him. I flipped myself around and sat down. Zaina handed him to me. After about 2 minutes I realized I took my glasses off when pushing. I asked for them so I could see clearly J. Juliana came quickly over to see him and asked if she could touch him. She grabbed his hand and said “hi baby”. She was so excited to finally meet him. She also went to her room and grabbed her first year picture frame. It has a progression of pictures from her first year. She gave it to me and said ”see, mama , *I* was your baby!!.” She said it as a matter of fact.

It seemed like seconds went by but it has been 10 minutes or so and then Ben cut the cord. At first Zaina asked if Ben wanted to do it and he said no, then Amy grabbed the scissors and was going to do it. It was such a funny conversation of who was going to do it, but in the end Ben cut the cord. I was helped into bed, cleaned up and got all snuggled in while we weighed and measured Joshua. Joshua was 8lbs 6 ounces and 20 inches. He had an apgar score of 9. He latched on right away and has been a nursing champ! I kept shaking for a little but it soon stopped after some coconut water and that yummy soup I made for after birth. Zaina checked me over and I didn’t tear! I was so relieved! Tearing was a big fear of mine. Being home and in my own bed right after birth was the best. So glad that I never had to go anywhere, but stayed in the comfort of our home with my supporting family. I made the right choice for this birth. We all rested and admired our sweet new baby boy.
Throughout labor, I kept waiting for the big contractions. The ones that knock you to the floor, but they never came. I stayed on top of them and in control the entire time. Labor honestly wasn’t that bad or dare I say it, hard. Pushing was the most intense part. It was such a crazy out of this world experience. This birth was amazing, healing from a hard first labor/birth with my daughter and life changing.


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